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At the beginning of the story the first character introduced is POTATO1, their species is the Numbr'd and they're a nervous li'l guy.
POTATO1's partner is Olive, a species similar to Numbr'd, it is Devilish.
Olive is a bird-like creature, and POTATO1 is a bunny like-one.
At the beginning POTATO1 sees a big crowd and steps closer to see more.
A bat-ish fellow who is also a Numbr'd is on a big stump (which is like a stage if it were on earth), his name is D1AM0ND 20, he, being the leader of Fyke, is announcing a great danger coming from Bwobland.
A glitchy entity, it may engulf the whole Galaxy in corrupted horror, as it has with half of The Neighbor.
D1AM0ND 20 requests any Numbr'd with the ability 'shape-shifting' POTATO1 nervously steps up on the stump and says 'Uhh I can shapeshift' D1AM0ND 20's eyes glimmer with content fullness as he reaches out and scruffs up POTATO1's hair playfully 'Well that'll be perfect for me, Bun!!'POTATO1 awkwardly sweats.
D1AM0ND 20 steps away from POTATO1, then asks 'Now!! Anyone that can teleport themselves & others?' Olive immediately jumps up, attempting to get POTATO1 out of here because she knows they'll regret this.
D1AM0ND 20 stops her and says 'And what can YOU do, bird-ish... Thing?' Olive stands still with a cold face 'Kick your a-- ... I mean,, I can teleport.' 'AH! Perfect! I have a mission for you and bun there' D1AM0ND 20 said with a grin.
Olive sighs and pats POTATO1 on the head, bracing for the worst 'I'm sending you two to the void!!' Olive's jaw drops 'THE VOID!? Do you understand just how dangerous that is?? Especially with JUST 2 people??' Olive says furiously 'I know, right? Now. Follow me.' POTATO1 and Olive follow D1AM0ND 20 into a small entrance, leading to a magnificent and very modern lab-looking place. D1AM0ND 20 gets to a nice standing spots and turns around 'Olive, I know it sounds awful. And it is, but, there's only so many of us nowadays, I can't risk losing many people. And, a shapeshifter... Is very powerful, you know.' Olive looks at D1AM0ND 20 in a very angry tone.
POTATO1 is looking off into the distance, they say 'They're there. They're watching.' Olive runs up to POTATO1 'What do you mean, dear?' POTATO1 tilts their head 'Can't you see them??' Olive steps in front of POTATO1 with a worried look 'Hey.... Let's not do this right now--' POTATO1 looks a bit sad and says 'Alright, Ol.' The two walk back up to D1AM0ND 20, he looks at them in a confused way, but continues his words 'So, you two up for, er, saving the Galaxy.' POTATO1 lightens up at the thought of being useful, Olive looks to POTATO1 and looks back and sighs 'Yeah... Alright. But not for you, jackass.' D1AM0ND 20 grins 'Splendid! Well, off you two go, go teleport POTATO1 and yourself to the uncorrupted half of Bwobland, you may want to blend in with them, though, they do see us as their Gods. Which-- We are bu-' Olive looks irritated 'SHUT THE FUCK UP, BAT!' D1AM0ND 20's face droops 'Alright, off you two go. Remember, we're Gods to them so- I mean, go on.'
Olive meets POTATO1 in a corner, away from all the people.
POTATO1 seems somewhat gloomy 'You all right, Potato?' Olive says with a worried look 'You do not want to do this, do you, Ol'?' Olive stays silent for a second.
'I don't. but you do. That's what matters to me.' POTATO1 scoots closer 'No,' Olive gives a quick look of confusion 'We both matter, Ol'.' Olive stands there for a moment, she looks down and thinks, then looks up 'Potato.' POTATO1 tilts their head 'I'd do anything for you,' 'So.... Let's go, shall we?' Olive gives POTATO1 her hand, a sudden burst of neon purple light bursts from Olive as they teleport to The Neighbor.
Olive and POTATO1 arrive on The Neighbor, POTATO1 waddles around not far, observing the area and constantly looking around.
Olive gets an idea 'Hey, Potato!' POTATO1 perks up 'Ye?' Olive walks up to POTATO1 'I'm gonna have you blend in with the folks here. -You happen to look awfully similar to their depiction of us, the Gods.' POTATO1 sighs'Alrighties. I'll be what's been calculated as the most probable descent or something from our starter crew we sent.' POTATO1 transforms into the most basic looking blob possible. 'Potato... If the person you calculate being 'the most probably descendent or something,' what happens if you see the person you're being?' Olive says confusedly 'Then! Then I'm screwed!' POTATO1 says joyously.
POTATO1 shifts to a blob-like creature, with da GOOFIEST face. 'How I look?' 'Great as always.' Olive says with a soft smile. POTATO1 stretches. 'Well, I think I can take care of myself for a bit. We're looking for some, kind of, weird glitchy anomaly?' 'Yes, that exactly.' Olive says 'We can both poke around and look for... It.' POTATO1 waddles off as Olive cautiously looks around.
POTATO1 stumbles upon an odd looking area, big blocks of stone and wood making points at the top, rectangles building the base for it that resemble bricks. An odd sight for POTATO1, a Fykian. The strange boxes seem to be homes for the creatures of The Neighbor, there are seemingly random holes in the side of the walls, letting light in the otherwise pitch-black containers.
'Uhh,, hello??' POTATO1 says frantically. An odd blob fellow pops up and says 'Hello th- Woah.' POTATO1 tilts their head'--What??' POTATO1 says confusedly 'Uhh- Person. You look... exactly like me. Is this coincidence?' POTATO1 awkwardly waddles backwards, mumbling. 'W-- Well, we must be quite the same. -- Different! We must be different... On the inside!!' The Blob looks at POTATO1 in confusion and suspision '... 'Kay..' The blob takes a deep breath and inches closer to POTATO1 'Well, I haven't seen me around here. -You. Wanna see around?' POTATO1 ponders for a moment... '...Sure?..'
The Blob guides POTATO1 through the small village, stating that his name is 'Bwob'. Bwob leads them to one of those boxes, like seen before. 'This.. Is my house!' They look at Bwob 'You're just gonna... Give me your location?..' 'Yeah, I don't see the harm of it.' POTATO1 stands still, thinking... 'So these weird... Boxes, are your people's homes?' Bwob's suspicion rises again. 'You seem to be unfamiliar with this concept. Who are you..?' He says with a questioning look '...Well... Look at the time,' POTATO1 looks at their non-existant watch 'Gotta go!!'
Background is not mine!! (allowed though)